Results for 'Eric C. Keen'

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  1.  28
    A century of phage research: Bacteriophages and the shaping of modern biology.Eric C. Keen - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (1):6-9.
    Graphical Abstract2015 marks the centennial of the discovery of bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria. Phages have been central to some of biology's most meaningful advances over the past hundred years (shown here); they greatly influence the workings of the biosphere, and are poised to play expanded roles in biomedicine, biotechnology, and ecology.
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  2. Dialogue sequents and quick proofs of completeness.Eric C. W. Krabbe - 1988 - In Jakob Hoepelman, Representation and reasoning: proceedings of the Stuttgart Conference Workshop on Discourse Representation, Dialogue Tableaux, and Logic Programming. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer Verlag.
  3. Root Metaphors, Paradigm Shifts, and Democratically Shared Values: Community Service-Learning as a Bridge-Building Endeavor.Eric C. Sheffield - 2007 - Philosophical Studies in Education 38:105 - 17.
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    Thinking Things in Themselves.Eric C. Sandberg - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):23-31.
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  5. Thomas J. J. Altizer's Constructions of Ultimate Reality and Meaning.Eric C. Meyer - 1978 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 1 (4):258.
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    “The Battle is on”: Lakatos, Feyerabend, and the student protests.Eric C. Martin - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):1-33.
    This paper shows how late 1960’s student protests influenced the thought of Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend. I argue that student movements shaped their work from this period, specifically Lakatos’s “Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes” and Feyerabend’s Against Method. Archival evidence shows that their political environments at London and Berkeley inflected their writing on scientific method, entrenching Lakatos’s search for a rationalist account of scientific development, and encouraging Feyerabend’s ‘anarchistic’ theory of knowledge. I document this influence and (...)
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    The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Affect.Eric C. Anderson, R. Nicholas Carleton, Michael Diefenbach & Paul K. J. Han - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:469966.
    Uncertainty and affect are fundamental and interrelated aspects of the human condition. Uncertainty is often associated with negative affect, but in some circumstances it is associated with positive affect. In this paper, we review different explanations for the varying relationship between uncertainty and affect. We identify “mental simulation” as a key process that links uncertainty to affective states. We suggest that people have a propensity to simulate negative outcomes, which results in a propensity towards negative affective responses to uncertainty. We (...)
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    Late Feyerabend on materialism, mysticism, and religion.Eric C. Martin - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 57:129-136.
  9.  60
    Philosophy of the Body as Introduction to Philosophy.Eric C. Mullis - 2013 - Teaching Philosophy 36 (4):353-372.
    This essay argues that a course in philosophy of the body can be used to introduce students to philosophical investigation. The course includes a theoretical component that draws on classical and contemporary readings in philosophy of the body. It also includes a practical component that allows students to learn how concepts drawn from the literature are embodied in studio practice and in everyday life. Learning basic movement strategies of tai chi and body -mind centering allows students to enact their own (...)
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    Nigerian business practices and their interface with virtue ethics.Eric C. Limbs & Timothy L. Fort - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (2):169 - 179.
  11.  59
    Learning from chinese philosophies: Ethics of interdependent and contextualised self – by Karyn L. Lai.Eric C. Mullis - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (1):142-144.
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    Nature and Landscape: An Introduction to Environmental Aesthetics by carlson, allen.Eric C. Mullis - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (2):238-240.
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    Ritualized exchange: A consideration of confucian reciprocity.Eric C. Mullis - 2008 - Asian Philosophy 18 (1):35 – 50.
    In this essay I discuss reciprocity as it unfolds within the context of a Confucian relational ethic. I discuss the relationship between reciprocity and the virtue of shu or 'sympathetic understanding' and then go on to argue that the goods that grow out of reciprocal relationships are necessary for Confucian ethics. These include social equilibrium, a rich sense of self-esteem, and reliable expectations concerning the actions of others. Finally, I discuss the difficulties of acting reciprocally in socially disproportional relationships and (...)
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  14.  29
    Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously (review).Eric C. Mullis - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (3):411-413.
  15.  10
    Law, Virtue, and Public Health Powers.Eric C. Ip - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (2):148-160.
    This article contributes to philosophical reflections on public health law by drawing on virtue jurisprudence, which rests on the straightforward observation that a political community and its laws will inevitably shape the character of its officials and subjects, and that an excellent character is indispensable to fulfilment. Thus, the law is properly set to encourage virtue and discourage vice. This opens a new perspective onto the ultimate purpose of public health law that is human flourishing. The means of pursuing this (...)
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  16.  67
    Towards a new philosophy of education: Extending the conversational metaphor for thinking.Eric C. Pappas & James W. Garrison - 1991 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (4):297-314.
    Recently, feminists like Jane Roland-Martin, Elizabeth Young-Bruehl, and others have advocated a conversational metaphor for thinking and rationality, and our image of the rational person. Elizabeth Young-Bruehl refers to thinking as a “constant interconnecting of representations of experiences and an extension of how we hear ourselves and others. There are numerous disadvantages to thinking about thinking as a conversation.We think there are difficulties in accepting the current formulation of the conversational metaphor without question. First, there is danger that we will (...)
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  17.  39
    Cross-Cultural and Site-Based Influences on Demographic, Well-being, and Social Network Predictors of Risk Perception in Hazard and Disaster Settings in Ecuador and Mexico.Eric C. Jones, Albert J. Faas, Arthur D. Murphy, Graham A. Tobin, Linda M. Whiteford & Christopher McCarty - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):5-32.
    Although virtually all comparative research about risk perception focuses on which hazards are of concern to people in different culture groups, much can be gained by focusing on predictors of levels of risk perception in various countries and places. In this case, we examine standard and novel predictors of risk perception in seven sites among communities affected by a flood in Mexico (one site) and volcanic eruptions in Mexico (one site) and Ecuador (five sites). We conducted more than 450 interviews (...)
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  18.  47
    The ethics of confucian artistry.Eric C. Mullis - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (1):99–107.
  19. Filosofen en goeroes; oog in oog met culturele mondialisering.Eric C. Hendriks - 2010 - Filosofie En Praktijk 31 (3):65.
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  20. Deweyan Pragmatism as Requisite to Postmodern Thought.Jessica A. Heybach & Eric C. Sheffield - 2019 - In Charles L. Lowery & Patrick M. Jenlink, The Handbook of Dewey’s Educational Theory and Practice. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  21. Civil Lawsuits.Margaret A. Bogie & Eric C. Marine - 2009 - In Steven F. Bucky, Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings. Brunner-Routledge. pp. 141.
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    Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance by J. Murphy McCaleb (review).Eric C. Melley - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (1):103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance by J. Murphy McCalebEric C. Melley, D.M.A.J. Murphy McCaleb, Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance (Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2014)J. Murphy McCaleb’s Embodied Knowledge in Ensemble Performance explores how musicians interact and share information while performing, specifically within unconducted chamber ensembles. The book is a direct outgrowth of the author’s doctoral dissertation and follows a similar format. Beginning with a presentation of four essential research (...)
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  23. Common Core Conformant Definitions for an Ontology of Commercial Exchange.Eric C. Merrell, Olivier Massin & Barry Smith - 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE).
    In “Toward an Ontology of Commercial Exchange” [11], we proposed human readable definitions for terms that are central to an ontology of commercial exchange. This paper furthers that project in two ways. First, the definitions have been modified to be compatible with the Common Core Ontologies (CCO). CCO is used in a wide variety of domains including the industrial and military domains. Having a commerce ontology compatible with CCO allows data about the exchange of goods relevant to those domains to (...)
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  24. Developmental constraints on theories of synesthesia.Lawrence E. Marks & Eric C. Odgaard - 2005 - In Robertson, C. L. & N. Sagiv, Synesthesia: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
  25.  31
    The Need for Specialized Oncology Training for Clinical Ethicists.Eric C. Blackstone & Barbara J. Daly - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):45-59.
    Numerous ethical issues are raised in cancer treatment and research. Informed consent is challenging due to complex treatment modalities and prognostic uncertainty. Busy oncology clinics limit the ability of oncologists to spend time reinforcing patient understanding and facilitating end-of-life planning. Despite these issues and the ethics consultations they generate, clinical ethicists receive little if any focused education about cancer and its treatment. As the field of clinical ethics develops standards for training, we argue that a basic knowledge of cancer should (...)
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  26.  14
    Is the Use of Personality Based Psychometrics by Cambridge Analytical Psychological Science's “Nuclear Bomb” Moment?Eric C. Prichard - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  27. Moment of Opportunity: Reimagining International Securities Regulations in the Shadow of Financial Crisis, A.Eric C. Chaffee - 2009 - Nexus - Chapman's Journal of Law & Policy 15:29.
  28.  13
    La Pseudo-Bisexualité de Simone de Beauvoir: Image de Soi, Voyage vers la Jeunesse.Éric C. G. Levéel - 2006 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 22 (1):69-76.
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    The image of the performing body.Eric C. Mullis - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (4):pp. 62-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Image of the Performing BodyEric C. Mullis (bio)Elsewhere I have discussed the principles of embodied expression that are developed in the practice of the performance arts—dance and theatre.1 These principles, it was argued, disclose the work that must be done in order to transform the human body into an aesthetically expressive medium. That is, precarious balance, the interplay of oppositional energies, and the compression of energy must be (...)
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  30.  45
    (1 other version)Causa Noumenon and Homo Phaenomenon.Eric C. Sandberg - 1984 - Kant Studien 75 (1-4):267-279.
  31.  94
    Eleatic Metaphysics in Plato's Parmenides: Zeno's Puzzle of Plurality.Eric C. Sanday - 2009 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 23 (3):pp. 208-226.
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    Philosophy as the Practice of Musical Inheritance: Book II of Plato’s Republic.Eric C. Sanday - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):305-317.
    Philosophy is often taken at its core to be an argumentative appeal to our own native capacity to judge the truth without bias. I claim in this paper that the very notion of unbiased truth represents a particular interest, viz., the interests of the political as such: the city. My thesis is that Socrates’ city in speech in Book II of the Republic exposes the injustice concealed at the core of demonstrative philosophy, and on this basis he goes on to (...)
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  33. Science and Faith.Eric C. Rust - 1967
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    Challenging the Established Order.Eric C. Sanday - 2012 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2):197-216.
    In this article I argue that Socrates sees one important truth in the position Callicles represents in the Gorgias: it is necessary in the case of extreme philosophical provocation to be able to overthrow completely the received order and to maintain oneself in the face of unimagined possibility. Without this faith in the power of wisdom to overturn and destroy received wisdom, philosophy would not be able to shepherd the good into the world in Socratic fashion. Interpreters are generally correct (...)
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  35.  76
    Performative somaesthetics: Principles and scope.Eric C. Mullis - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):104-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 104-117 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Performative Somaesthetics: Principles and ScopeEric C. MullisJohn Dewey's aesthetic has been invoked in recent discussions because many have realized that it resists the pull toward conceptualism that characterizes a great deal of aesthetic theory. Further, Art as Experience—Dewey's chief work on the philosophy of art—is rich with ideas that call for development. Richard Shusterman's work does just (...)
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    Harnessing legal structures of virtue for planetary health.Eric C. Ip - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):833-837.
    Humans and other species depend on the planet’s well-being to survive and flourish. The health of the planet and its ecosystems is under threat from anthropogenic climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. The promotion of planetary health against entrenched degradation of nature urgently requires ethical guidance. Using an ecocentric virtue jurisprudence approach, this article argues that the highest end of safeguarding planetary health is to secure the flourishing of the Earth community, of which the flourishing of humanity is but one (...)
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  37. Conservatives Can Relax: A(n Ethical) Reanalysis of “Bad News”.Eric C. Odgaard - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (2):353-367.
    A recent article in Neuroethics posited “bad news for conservatives,” on the basis of survey data collected on line. On the basis of bivariate correlations between self-reported conservatism/liberalism and a variety of moral propositions, the author inferred that those moral judgments were ‘conservative’ or ‘liberal.’ Then, based on a series of bivariate correlations between those same moral propositions and measures of “morally worrisome” personality characteristics, the author concluded that conservatives tended to have these morally worrisome characteristics. Unfortunately, the original article (...)
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  38.  79
    On Being a Socratic Philosophy Instructor.Eric C. Mullis - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (4):345-359.
    This paper discusses the use of the Socratic Method by philosophy instructors. I argue that Socrates employs both dissimulation and irony in enacting the elenchus and that these techniques should be evaluated before being used in the classroom. Dissimulation can be justified as it encourages students to think for themselves, however the use of irony is ill-advised as it is readily perceived as being boastful. Suggestions are made regarding how confrontational the Socratic instructor should be in encouraging students to developaccounts (...)
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    Dynamic Effects of Self-Relevance and Task on the Neural Processing of Emotional Words in Context.Eric C. Fields & Gina R. Kuperberg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Fantasizing Ants: Literary Entomology as Environmental Advocacy.Eric C. Brown - 2011 - Society and Animals 19 (2):195-197.
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    Note on Sophocles' Antigone 925, 926.Eric C. Woodcock - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (04):116-117.
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    Futurity report.Eric C. H. de Bruyn & Sven Lütticken (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    Theorists, historians, and artists address the precarious futurity of the notion of the future. Not long ago, a melancholic left and a manic neoliberalism seemed to arrive at an awkward consensus: the foreclosure of futurity. Whereas the former mourned the failure of its utopian project, the latter celebrated the triumph of a global marketplace. The radical hope of realizing a singularly different, more equitable future displaced by a belief that the future had already come to pass, limiting post-historical society to (...)
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  43.  26
    Insects, Colonies, and Idealization in the Early Americas.Eric C. Brown - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (2):20 - 37.
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  44. Civil Lawsuits Malpractice Professional Liability Claims Process and Claims History.Margaret A. Bogie & Eric C. Marine - 2009 - In Steven F. Bucky, Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings. Brunner-Routledge. pp. 141.
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  45. Science and Ideology.Eric C. Martin - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Science and Ideology This article illustrates some of the relationships between science and ideologies. It discusses how science has been enlisted to support particular ideologies and how ideologies have influenced the processes and interpretations of scientific inquiry. An example from the biological sciences illustrates this. In the early 20th century, evolutionary theory was used to … Continue reading Science and Ideology →.
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    Anorexia nervosa, advance directives, and the law: A British perspective.Eric C. Ip - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):931-936.
    This article will explore whether the law should allow people with anorexia nervosa to refuse nutrition and hydration with special reference to the English decision in Re E (Medical Treatment: Anorexia). It argues that the judge in that case made the correct decision in holding that the patient, who suffered from severe anorexia nervosa, lacked capacity to make valid advance directives under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 of the United Kingdom, and that medical procedures that are apparently against her wishes (...)
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  47. Confucius and Aristotle on the goods of friendship.Eric C. Mullis - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (4):391-405.
    This essay discusses the goods of friendship as they are articulated by Confucius, Mencius, and Aristotle. It is argued that since Confucius and Mencius tend to conceive personal relationships in hierarchical terms, they do not directly address the goods of symmetrical friendships. Using Aristotle ’s account of friendship, I argue that friendship is necessary for the cultivation of virtue outside the family. This is supported by discussing the virtues of generosity, trust, and wisdom as they develop within family life and (...)
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  48.  31
    Correction to: “The Battle is on”: Lakatos, Feyerabend, and the student protests.Eric C. Martin - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-2.
    The following correction will help establish more clearly and fully the ways in which I drew on Matteo Collodel’s work in the composition of this paper. Given that we were researching similar topics and that I was acquainted with his achievements.
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  49. Body consciousness: A philosophy of mindfulness and somaesthetics (review).Eric C. Mullis - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (1):123-127.
    One aspect of Richard Shusterman’s work is indicative of a broad movement to develop a robust philosophy of embodiment. Thinkers from diverse fields—such as feminism, pragmatism, and continental philosophy—have criticized Western philosophy’s suppression of embodiment and have gone on to suggest how the philosophy of the body can enrich our understanding of issues that arise within traditional fields such as ethics and aesthetics. Further, work in this area can provide novel insights into personal identity, gender, linguistics, and philosophy of mind. (...)
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  50.  71
    Toward a confucian ethic of the gift.Eric C. Mullis - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):175-194.
    In this essay I discuss how the relational ethic characteristic of Classical Confucianism articulates an ethic of gift exchange. I first discuss the tradition that Confucius appropriated and show that the gift was utilized to form, maintain, and symbolize social relationships in Shang, Zhou, and Warring States China. I then go on to discuss the implications of this view by addressing two difficulties of gift exchange that are often discussed in the literature: the use of gifts to indebt or control (...)
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